Dealer sales advice to the customer and guide to sign the contract.

About Policy

Today like never before, policy is driving sustainable packaging. We help our members understand the rapidly-changing landscape of extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws, as well as other types of packaging policy such as bottle bills, bans, recycled content laws, and labeling laws. While the SPC does not engage in lobbying activity, we provide our perspective on policy’s implications for more sustainable packaging.

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Explore more about Policy through our Collaboratives and learn how SPC Members can get involved

Packaging policy collaborative

Exploring the complex legislative landscape of policy related to packaging sustainability and end of life.

Featured Resources

Curated Guides, Case Studies, 101s, and Position Statements publicly available to support your sustainability journey

Guide to EPR Proposals

Helping organizations identify differences between various proposals and develop a deeper understanding of components of EPR policy

Position Statement:

Packaging Policy

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Get in Touch: Policy

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Lucy Pierce

Project Manager, Sustainable Packaging Coalition, GreenBlue

Reach out to learn more about SPC’s approach to policy and get updates on EPR, recycled content laws, and more – contact Lucy to get involved!